By: Elna Botes van Schalkwyk
Ingredients for kale-and-parsley cubes:
Two bunches KALE
One bunch PARSLEY (optional)
WATER to blend
Frozen veggie Cubes |
- Wash and de-rib kale and remove stems from parsley.
- Steam kale and parsley 3-5 minutes until limp but still bright green.
- Plunge steamed greens into cold water.
- Transfer to a high-powered blender and add enough water (I use about ½ cup) to blend to a smooth and pourable consistency.
- Pour into ice cube trays and freeze.
- Once frozen, transfer to airtight container and keep frozen.
- Use within 2 months. ♥
Tip: You can “cube” any nutritious food for later use in smoothies etc.,