Parmesan Cheese Alternative

By: Jo Rosas

Use on anything you would use traditional Parmesan cheese

• 1½ cups raw, macadamia nuts, soaked overnight and drained
• 1½ pine nuts, soaked 4 hours and drained
• 1¾ cups distilled water
• Juice from one lemon and lime
• 1 probiotic capsule (contents only)
• ¾ tsp Himalayan Salt


  • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy.
  • Pour into bowl, cover with a towel and leave at room temperature to allow fermentation to begin (about 4 hours).
  • Spread “cheese” on a tray covered with unbleached parchment paper in a very thin coat and dehydrate about 5 hours.
  • Place a second dehydrator tray with a screen over the cheese and flip the “cheese.”
  • Gently peel the “cheese” from the unbleached parchment paper using a dough scraper.
  • Return to the dehydrator for another hour or until completely dry.
  • Crumble the “cheese” and place in a container.

[with thanks to R Malkmus]