Chamomile Tea with Lemon and Honey

By: Esther Vasa

Chamomile Tea bag
Juice of 1/4th Lemon
Filtered Water - 1 cup
Stevia (if you like your tea sweet)

Chamomile tea helps soothe the nerves. If consumed before bedtime, it helps relax the nervous system. It is also found to relieve aches, colds and cough. I have tried this over a period of time and I find it very useful for my body. Avoiding caffeinated drinks might be helpful in MS. Caffeine seems to act adversely on my body. So, I have settled down for chamomile tea and I am happy with my choice.

Place the chamomile tea bag in a cup. Boil one cup of filtered water. Pour the boiling water over the tea bag and let it soak for 10 minutes. Add lemon juice and stevia and stir it well before consuming. You could re-use your tea bag and have another cup of the same. This way you hydrate your body as well!