By: Esther Vasa
After enjoying those "Pure Delish" gluten-free vegan nuts, I purposed in my heart to make my own.
- 3 cups of mixed nuts crushed in a food processor (I used almonds-walnuts-cashew)
- 3/4th cup of jaggery or coconut sugar
- 1/4th tsp of himalayan salt or celtic sea salt
- 2 tsp of raw honey (to bind)
- 2 tsp of organic vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp of olive oil
Preheat the oven to 250F. Just mix all the above ingredients in a large bowl. Spread evenly in a greased baking tray. Let this bake for 30-40 minutes. Switch off the oven and allow the nuts to set. You could cut into cubes or when lukewarm roll the "Crunchy Nut Rolls" as shown in the picture. Its a treat to the young and the old alike. Enjoy!