- It is use as a traditional Chinese remedy for hiccups. Take 9 grams of calyx of the persimmon fruit and 3 grams of fresh ginger. Add water and steam for a few minutes and eat.
- Persimmon cake is also used as a traditional remedy for diarrhea, hemorrhoids, lung infections and asthma. To make persimmon cake: the fruit should be plucked when the skin starts turning yellow. Peel and discard the skin and place the fruit in the sun to dry, applying pressure frequently on each fruit to gradually flatten it. Continue drying the flattened fruit in the sun or in the open until a white frosting appears and covers the entire surface.
- Astringent taste of persimmon can help stops diarrhea, reduces sweating, and slows or stops bleeding.
- Persimmons can help prevent cancer because it is high in vitamin A.
- It contain compounds known as shibuol and betulinic acid that are thought to have anti-cancer properties.
- A study conducted in Japan showed that the peel of the persimmon contains phytochemicals known as proanthocyanidins which may protect cells against oxidative damage associated with aging.