375 ml mashed banana
125 ml plain or Greek yoghurt
500 ml All-Bran High-Fibre
90 g unsalted butter
125 ml Xylitol (or sugar of your choice)
1 egg
5 ml vanilla essence
375 ml gluten-free flour
10 ml baking powder
2.5 ml bicarbonate of soda
pinch of Himalayan salt
60 ml chopped nuts

Preheat the oven to 180ºC. Mix the banana, yoghurt and All-Bran and set aside.
Beat the butter and sugar till light and creamy. Add the egg and vanilla and mix well. Add the banana-mix and nuts - mix well. Sieve the dry ingredients and add to the mixture. Bake for 35 - 40 minutes. Enjoy!
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