“Tingling Treats” for Paresthesia

By: Elna Botes van Schalkwyk

The following food prescriptions can help manage paresthesia effectively:
(Although not all of these foods are recommended for MS-patients!)

Vitamin B1 rich foods: a deficiency of vitamin B1 or thiamine results in extreme numbness and pins and needles of the legs. Incorporating foods that are excellent sources of the vitamin helps manage tingling numbness effectively. Wheat germ, peanuts, brazil nuts, millet, wheat bran, haricot beans, oatmeal, lima beans, cashews, walnuts and almonds are very good sources.
Vitamin B5 rich foods: vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is particularly important for optimal adrenal functioning. It is an anti stress hormone. Rich sources are: liver, peanuts, soy, mushrooms, cashews, wheat germ, broccoli, hazel nuts, oatmeal, and whole wheat.
Vitamin B 12 rich foods: vitamin B 12 is very important for nerve function. The vitamin helps manage tingling numbness as well as burning sensation in the skin. Include plenty of: liver clams, oysters, sardines, salmon, tuna, eggs, beef, cheese, and fermented food.
Inositol rich foods: is a part of the vitamin B complex. Ample amounts of dietary inositol help fight panic attacks, depression and diabetes; all of which can set off paresthesia. Whole grains and legumes provide you with plenty of inositol. However, experts recommend taking a supplement, since, the vitamin is more bio-available than what is found in natural sources.