
By: Esther Vasa

This name "Hempa-Chia-Rita" was suggested by Dianna Anderson. This is just is a melodious name to

Hemp Seeds - 1/4th cup
Chia Seeds - 3 tbsp
Vanilla Bean - 1 or Vanilla Extract - 1 tsp
Water or Coconut Water - 1 cup
Banana, Apple, Apricots and any fruits and berries you prefer (fresh or dried)


  • Soak up two tablespoons of chia seeds in half of cup of water or coconut water for half an hour.
  • Dice all your fruits.
  • Blend hemp seeds, the other tablespoon of chia seeds and the remaining water or coconut water.
  • Layer them as you like in a bowl of your choice.
  • Enjoy immediately.
  • Alternately, you could add cocoa powder and cinnamon instead of vanilla bean to make chocolate pudding. Top it off with dark chocolate chips or cacao nibs.